Current Transformers,Voltage Transformer,Ring Cores Supplier
split core current transformer

Split core current transformer for electric metering / energy monitoring

High Quality Split Core Sensor With CE / ETL Certified, ISO 9001 Realiable supplier

Customized With Low Non-Recurring Engineering Charge Available, Contact Us Now!

split core sensor
split core current transformer

Split Core Sensor Features

√ Steady in phase shift over the whole range
√  Small in size,clamp type,easy to use no need of cutting cable
√  Various of configuration and output characteristics
√  RoHS compliant
√ CE,ETL Certified

Success cases for split core sensor applying

Assisting Well-known energy management companies launch building / commercial / industrial energy management / monitoring system.
SCT on cabinet

Clamp Current Transformer Production / Package

Reliable supplier with ISO certificate / Fast technical support
Just in time production process / Low shipping cost
Wireless energy monitor
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hable con ztc hoy para hablar sobre su necesidad de transformadores de corriente, obtenga un artículo estándar, hay una cotización de servicio de OEM / ODM disponible.



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